Essential Guide to Understanding Your Property Title Options

Essential Guide to Understanding Your Property Title Options

Choosing the right title-holding method can shape your real estate future.

Today, we shine a spotlight on an essential topic for homeowners and potential buyers alike: understanding titles and the significance of how you hold it. We had the pleasure of hosting Noelle Bryce from Barth Calderon Attorneys, who unpacked the complexities surrounding this subject, offering valuable insights for anyone navigating the real estate landscape.


Feel free to watch the full message above or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video:


0:00 — Introduction

0:24 — The ways people can hold title

1:48 — The difference between joint tenants and tenants in common

3:05 — You own a quarter of the property

4:02 — Community property and joint tenants

6:03 — Trusts and LLCs

8:28 — It’s important to have a transfer plan

9:19 — Wrapping up


No matter the method of holding title, having a clear plan for the future of your property is paramount. Whether through survivorship rights, a trust, or an LLC, ensuring your assets are protected and can be efficiently transferred according to your wishes is essential. For those seeking further guidance, Noelle Bryce offers her expertise through consultations, available via email. As always, you can reach out to us by phone or email for any questions about this or real estate in general.

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